
A short practical guide

Emmanuel Bengio
A pdf of the slides
What is Theano?

import theano
import theano.tensor as T

What is Theano?
What you really do:

gradient = T.grad(cost, parameter)

First Example
x = T.scalar('x')
First Example
x = T.scalar('x')
y = T.scalar('y')
First Example
x = T.scalar('x')
y = T.scalar('y')
z = x + y
First Example
x = T.scalar('x')
y = T.scalar('y')
z = x + y

'add' is an Op.
Ops in 1 slide
Ops are the building blocks of the computation graph

They (usually) define:
  • A computation (given inputs)
  • A partial gradient (given inputs and output gradients)
  • C/CUDA code that does the computation
First Example
x = T.scalar()
y = T.scalar()
z = x + y
f = theano.function([x,y],z)
f(2,8) # 10

A 5 line Neural Network (evaluator)
x = T.vector('x')
W = T.matrix('weights')
b = T.vector('bias')
z = T.nnet.softmax(,W) + b)
f = theano.function([x,W,b],z)

A parenthesis about The Graph
a = T.vector()
b = f(a)
c = g(b)
d = h(c)
full_fun = theano.function([a],d) # h(g(f(a)))
part_fun = theano.function([c],d) # h(c)

Remember the chain rule?
\(\newcommand{\dd}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}} \) $$ \dd{f}{z} = \dd{f}{a} \dd{a}{z} $$ $$ \dd{f}{z} = \dd{f}{a} \dd{a}{b} \dd{b}{c} ... \dd{x}{y} \dd{y}{z} $$
x = T.scalar()
y = x ** 2
x = T.scalar()
y = x ** 2
g = T.grad(y, x) # 2*x
$$ \dd{f}{z} = \dd{f}{a} \dd{a}{b} \dd{b}{c} ... \dd{x}{y} \dd{y}{z} $$
T.grad take home
You don't really need to think about the gradient anymore.
Shared variables
(or, wow, sending things to the GPU is long)

Data reuse is made through 'shared' variables.
initial_W = uniform(-k,k,(n_in, n_out))
W = theano.shared(value=initial_W, name="W")

That way it sits in the 'right' memory spots
(e.g. on the GPU if that's where your computation happens)
Shared variables
Shared variables act like any other node:
prediction =,W) + b
cost = T.sum((prediction - target)**2)
gradient = T.grad(cost, W)

You can compute stuff, take gradients.
Shared variables : updating
Most importantly, you can:
update their value, during a function call:
gradient = T.grad(cost, W)
update_list = [(W, W - lr * gradient)]
f = theano.function(

Remember, theano.function only builds a function.
# this updates W
f(minibatch_x, minibatch_y, learning_rate)
Shared variables : dataset
If dataset is small enough, use a shared variable
index = T.iscalar()
X = theano.shared(data['X'])
Y = theano.shared(data['Y'])
f = theano.function(
       givens={x:X[index], y:Y[index]})

You can also take slices: X[idx:idx+n]
Printing things
There are 3 major ways of printing values:
  1. When building the graph
  2. During execution
  3. After execution

And you should do a lot of 1 and 3
Printing things when building the graph
Use a test value
# activate the testing
theano.config.compute_test_value = 'raise'
x = T.matrix()
x.tag.test_value = numpy.ones((mbs, n_in))
y = T.vector()
y.tag.test_value = numpy.ones((mbs,))

You should do this when designing your model to:
  • test shapes
  • test types
  • ...

Now every node has a .tag.test_value
Printing things when executing a function
Use the Print Op.
from theano.printing import Print
a = T.nnet.sigmoid(h)
# this prints "a:", a.__str__ and a.shape
a = Print("a",["__str__","shape"])(a)
b = something(a)

  • Print acts like the identity
  • gets activated whenever b "requests" a
  • anything in dir(numpy.ndarray) goes
Printing things after execution
Add the node to the outputs
                [..., some_node])

Any node can be an output (even inputs!)
You should do this:
  • To acquire statistics
  • To monitor gradients, activations...
  • With moderation*

*especially on GPU, as this sends all the data back to the CPU at each call
Shapes, dimensions, and shuffling
You can reshape arrays:
b = a.reshape((n,m,p))
As long as their flat dimension is \(n\times m \times p\)
Shapes, dimensions, and shuffling
You can change the dimension order:
# b[i,k,j] == a[i,j,k]
b = a.dimshuffle(0,2,1)

Shapes, dimensions, and shuffling
You can also add broadcast dimensions:
# a.shape == (n,m)
b = a.dimshuffle(0,'x',1)
# or 
b = a.reshape([n,1,m])

This allows you to do elemwise* operations
with b as if it was \(n\times p \times m\), where
\(p\) can be arbitrary.
* e.g. addition, multiplication
If an array lacks dimensions to match the other operand, the broadcast pattern is automatically expended to the left ( (F,) \(\to\) (T, F), \(\to\) (T, T, F), ...),
to match the number of dimensions
(But you should always do it yourself)

When compiling a function, ask theano to profile it:
f = theano.function(..., profile=True)

when exiting python, it will print the profile.
<% time> < sum %>< apply time>< time per call>< type><#call>  <#apply> < Class name>
  30.4%    30.4%      10.202s       5.03e-05s     C   202712       4   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuFromHost
  23.8%    54.2%       7.975s       1.31e-05s     C   608136      12   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuElemwise
  18.3%    72.5%       6.121s       3.02e-05s     C   202712       4   theano.sandbox.cuda.blas.GpuGemv
   6.0%    78.5%       2.021s       1.99e-05s     C   101356       2   theano.sandbox.cuda.blas.GpuGer
   4.1%    82.6%       1.368s       2.70e-05s     Py   50678       1   theano.tensor.raw_random.RandomFunction
   3.5%    86.1%       1.172s       1.16e-05s     C   101356       2   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.HostFromGpu
   3.1%    89.1%       1.027s       2.03e-05s     C    50678       1   theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn.GpuDnnSoftmaxGrad
   3.0%    92.2%       1.019s       2.01e-05s     C    50678       1   theano.sandbox.cuda.nnet.GpuSoftmaxWithBias
   2.8%    94.9%       0.938s       1.85e-05s     C    50678       1   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuCAReduce
   2.4%    97.4%       0.810s       7.99e-06s     C   101356       2   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuAllocEmpty
   0.8%    98.1%       0.256s       4.21e-07s     C   608136      12   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuDimShuffle
   0.5%    98.6%       0.161s       3.18e-06s     Py   50678       1   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuFlatten
   0.5%    99.1%       0.156s       1.03e-06s     C   152034       3   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuReshape
   0.2%    99.3%       0.075s       4.94e-07s     C   152034       3   theano.tensor.elemwise.Elemwise
   0.2%    99.5%       0.073s       4.83e-07s     C   152034       3   theano.compile.ops.Shape_i
   0.2%    99.7%       0.070s       6.87e-07s     C   101356       2   theano.tensor.opt.MakeVector
   0.1%    99.9%       0.048s       4.72e-07s     C   101356       2   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuSubtensor
   0.1%   100.0%       0.029s       5.80e-07s     C    50678       1   theano.tensor.basic.Reshape
   0.0%   100.0%       0.015s       1.47e-07s     C   101356       2   theano.sandbox.cuda.basic_ops.GpuContiguous
   ... (remaining 0 Classes account for   0.00%(0.00s) of the runtime)

Finding the culprits:
24.1% 24.1% 4.537s 1.59e-04s 28611 2 GpuFromHost(x)
Profiling A few common names:
  • Gemm/Gemv, matrix\(\times\)matrix / matrix\(\times\)vector
  • Ger, matrix update
  • GpuFromHost, data CPU \(\to\) GPU
  • HostFromGPU, the opposite
  • [Advanced]Subtensor, indexing
  • Elemwise, element-per-element Ops (+, -, exp, log, ...)
  • Composite, many elemwise Ops merged together.
Loops and recurrent models Theano has loops, but can be quite complicated.
So here's a simple example
x = T.vector('x')
n = T.scalar('n')
def inside_loop(x_t, acc, n):
  return acc + x_t * n

values, _ = theano.scan(
     fn = inside_loop,

sum_of_n_times_x = values[-1]
Loops and recurrent models Line by line:
def inside_loop(x_t, acc, n):
  return acc + x_t * n

f(seq_0[t], seq_1[t], .., out_0[t-1], out_1[t-1], .., other_0, other_1, ..):
Loops and recurrent models
values, _ = theano.scan(
# ... 
sum_of_n_times_x = values[-1]

values is the list/tensor of all outputs through time.
values = [ [out_0[1], out_0[2], ...],
           [out_1[1], out_1[2], ...],

If there's only one output then values = [out[1], out[2], ...]
Loops and recurrent models
     fn = inside_loop,

The loop function we saw earlier


Sequences are indexed over their first dimension.
Loops and recurrent models
If you want out[t-1] to be an input to the loop function
then you need to give out[0].

If you don't want out[t-1] as an input to the loop,
pass None in outputs_info:
     outputs_info=[None, out_1[0], out_2[0], ...], 

You can also do more advanced "tapping", i.e. get out[t-k]
Loops and recurrent models

Variables that are used inside the loop (but not indexed).


The number of steps that the loop should do.
Note that it is possible to do a "while" loop
Loops and recurrent models The whole thing again
x = T.vector('x')
n = T.scalar('n')
def inside_loop(x_t, acc, n):
  return acc + x_t * n

values, _ = theano.scan(
     fn = inside_loop,

sum_of_n_times_x = values[-1]
A simple RNN
$$ h_t = \mbox{tanh}(x_tW_x + h_{t-1}W_h + b_h) $$ $$ \hat{y} = \mbox{softmax}(h_{T}W_y + b_y) $$
def loop(x_t, h_tm1, W_x, W_h, b_h):
  return T.tanh(,W_x) +
      , W_h) +

values,_ = theano.scan(loop,
    [x], [T.zeros(n_hidden)], parameters)

y_hat = T.nnet.softmax(values[-1])
Dimshuffle and minibatches
Usually you want to use minibatches (\(x_{it}\in \mathbb{R}^k\)):
# shape: (batch size, sequence length, k)
x = T.tensor3('x')
# define loop ...
v,u = theano.scan(loop,

This way scan iterates over the "sequence" axis.
Otherwise it would iterate over the minibatch examples.
2D convolutions
$$x:(.,1,100,100)\;\;\; W:(3,1,9,9)$$
2D convolutions
input \( x: (m_b,n_c^{(i)},{\color{blue}h},{\color{green}w})\)
filters \( W: (n_c^{(i+1)},n_c^{(i)},{\color{red}f_s},{\color{red}f_s})\)
# x.shape: (batch size, n channels, height, width)
# W.shape: (n output channels, n input channels,
#           filter height, filter width)
output = T.nnet.conv.conv2d(x, W)

This convolves \(W\) with \(x\), the output is
\(o: (m_b, n_c^{(i+1)}, {\color{blue}h}-{\color{red}f_s}+1, {\color{green}w}-{\color{red}f_s}+1)\)
2D convolutions
Example input, 32\(\times\)32 RGB images:
# x.shape: (batch size, n channels, height, width)
x = x.reshape((mbsize, 32, 32, 3))
x = x.dimshuffle(0,3,1,2)     
# W.shape: (n output channels, n input channels, 
#           filter height, filter width)
W = theano.shared(randoms((16,3,5,5)),
output_1 = T.nnet.conv.conv2d(x, W)

The flat array for an image is typically stored as a sequence of
So you want to flip (dimshuffle) the dimensions so that the channels are separated.
2D convolutions
Another layer:
W = theano.shared(randoms((32,16,5,5)),
output_2 = T.nnet.conv.conv2d(output_1, W)
# output_2.shape: (batch size, 32, 24, 24)

2D convolutions
You can also do pooling:
from theano.tensor.downsample import max_pool_2d
# output_2.shape: (batch size, 32, 24, 24)
pooled = max_pool_2d(output_2, (2,2))
# pooled.shape: (batch size, 32, 12, 12)

2D convolutions
Finally, after (many) convolutions and poolings:
flattened = conv_output_n.flatten(ndim=2)
# then feed `flattened` to a normal hidden layer

we want to keep the minibatch dimension, but flatten all the other ones for our hidden layer, thus the ndim=2
A few tips: make classes
Make reusable classes for layers, or parts of your model:
class HiddenLayer:
  def __init__(self, x, n_in, n_hidden):
    self.W = shared(...)
    self.b = shared(...)
    self.output = activation(,W)+b)

A few tips: save often
It's really easy with theano/python to save and reload data:
class HiddenLayer:
  def __init__(self, x, n_in, n_hidden):
    # ...
    self.params = [self.W, self.b]
  def save_params(self):
     return [i.get_value() for i in self.params]
  def load_params(self, values):
     for p, value in zip(self.params, values):

A few tips: save often
It's really easy with theano/python to save and reload data:
import cPickle as pickle
# save 
            file('model_params.pkl', 'w')
# load 

You can even save whole models and functions with pickle but that requires a few additional tricks.
A few tips: error messages
ValueError: GpuElemwise. Input dimension mis-match.  Input 1 (indices
        start at 0) has shape[1] == 256, but the output's size on that axis is 128.
Apply node that caused the error: GpuElemwise{add,no_inplace}
        (<CudaNdarrayType(float32, matrix)>,
         <CudaNdarrayType(float32, matrix)>)
Inputs types: [CudaNdarrayType(float32, matrix),
               CudaNdarrayType(float32, matrix)]

It tells us we're trying to add \(A+B\) but \(A:(n, 128), B:(n, 256)\)
A few tips: floatX
Theano has a default float precision:

For now GPUs can only use float32:
TensorType(float32, matrix) cannot store a value of dtype float64 without risking loss of precision. If you do not mind this loss, you can: 1) explicitly cast your data to float32, or 2) set "allow_input_downcast=True" when calling "function".
A few tips: read the doc

*Opens console*
A list of things I haven't talked about
(but which you can totally search for)
  • Random numbers (T.shared_randomstreams)
  • Printing/Drawing graphs (theano.printing)
  • Jacobians, Rop, Lop and Hessian-free
  • Dealing with NaN/inf
  • Extending theano (implementing Ops and types)
  • Saving whole models to files (pickle)